Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Question for environmentalists?

I am a hard left winger with the exception of one issue, and that is global warming. I strongly oppose deforestation and poaching of endangered species and those sorts of environmental problems but global warming is just idiotic.

The planets been around for 4,500,000,000 years. We've only been industrial for the past 200 years. You think 200 years of industry can have an effect on 4,500,000,000 years of ice ages, violent volcanoes, earth quakes, tectonic shifts etc?Question for environmentalists?Your loved one is trapped in a Toyota with a hopelessly stuck accelerator flying around a windy mountain road at 70 mph and climbing. You have a remote control in your hand that will cut off all fuel to the engine when the button is pressed. Do you press the button or hope the car runs out of gas on it's own?

It's the same situation with anthropogenic climate change. Obviously we have an effect on Earth's climate. How large of an effect, we have no idea. Should we risk not taking action? Should you push the button? Case in point: The Montreal Protocol, ratified by 196 countries, which effectively banned CFCs before CFCs were known to be the cause of ozone depletion.Question for environmentalists?truth, now ya just gotta work on the hard left problem.Question for environmentalists?Think of it this way.

The energy/mass making our stuff has been around for 13.7bn years. Nuclear bombs have only been around for 60 odd years. Do you honestly think nuclear bombs can work, given that they've only been around for such a short part of the universe? Using your logic, obviously not! They can't do anything!

Science can explain what's going on using relatively small periods of observation.

EDIT: And whether you're left wing or not doesn't matter. Science doesn't give a ****.Question for environmentalists?
Yes. Look up the expressions "tipping point" and "the straw that broke the camel's back".

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