Monday, January 30, 2012

What is really the best way to keep a live Christmas tree fresh?

I've heard lots of ideas on keeping a real Christmas trees alive. I've heard that putting Mt. Dew instead of water works, keeping it in hot water, or cold water, etc.

What really works best?What is really the best way to keep a live Christmas tree fresh?I have had fresh cut trees every single year (so lets just say many many). Always cut a bit off the tree when you get it home (unless you just cut it down yourself and is the correct size). You can add a couple of nick cuts a couple of inches up the trunk..not too deep, just a couple of nicks maybe four around the trunk where there water will be able to seep into. And most importantly...water it every day. What I have found is that needles will stay on/fall off depending on what the summer/autumn season weather was like that year..whether it was wet/dry/or somewhere inbetween. If it was not a good season (dry), then no matter how much you water the tree, it will not last as well as if it was the optimal year for weather. I have tried sugared water/soda pop water/aspirin in the water/all that...just water works well. Keeping the tree away from heating vents and heat sources will help in having the tree last longer too. If you have a place a bit cooler, they seem to like this, but that is not always possible.What is really the best way to keep a live Christmas tree fresh?
I've heard putting Sprite in with the water will make it last longer.What is really the best way to keep a live Christmas tree fresh?Myth busters tested it and I think they came up with spraying it with hairspray. However I don't know how safe that is being that hairspray is flammable and christmas trees are notorious for catching fire if you put lights on them.What is really the best way to keep a live Christmas tree fresh?
i have a pine tree in my home all yearWhat is really the best way to keep a live Christmas tree fresh?You need to keep the bottom cut clean. The bottom cut of the tree is where the tree drinks up the water. It will also heal over like a scab on skin. You have to cut it afresh every week or so.

Your water can contain sugar but not something silly like soda pop just sugar is fine, or a food from a flower shop.What is really the best way to keep a live Christmas tree fresh?
Water it daily and wet some of the branches too.

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