Monday, January 30, 2012

How can I help my real christmas tree?

I bought a real rooted christmas tree for my daughter first christmas. Three years on and it is looking sorry for itself. We repotted it and it lives on our deck in the UK next to the fence but does get a bit on sun and lots of rain water. It is looking a little bold and has white spots on the stem. How can I help it?How can I help my real christmas tree?If the white spots are slightly fluffy looking your tree has probably been attacked by scale insect. By the time the white bits appear the insects will probably have gone, but look closely at the trunk to see if you can see any small raised round brown scales. The best treatment has now been banned, but you can paint the affected places with meths, which works well. Once the pests have all been removed the tree may begin to recover its strength, but it would be wise not to stress it any more by bringing it indoors this year.How can I help my real christmas tree?
Conifers don't recover well from being near death - some other trees can. I think the best idea would be to buy a dwarf conifer, which will survive for a few years in a generous sized pot if not allowed to dry out, and your daughter can make it look pretty with some miniature Xmas decorations and outdoor lights.How can I help my real christmas tree?Trees should not be grown in a pot. They need room to stretch their legs, or roots as the case may be. You'll only have success if you annually put the tree into a new larger pot with new soil. Or plant it in the ground to be cut down later.How can I help my real christmas tree?
I don't have the answer, but these guys would be able to. There has never been a Christmas tree question they couldn't answer. Select the "Ask Your Grower" tab and ask away.How can I help my real christmas tree?I am not really good at gardening but my father used to do alot of it before he went to prison. I would try a little miracle grow. When the tomatos were hanging they shot right back up after he put it on there o-oHow can I help my real christmas tree?
Give it a helping hand and apply some food to the soilHow can I help my real christmas tree?
get a spray for it to revive and some nutrients for the roots

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